Odonata is an environmental charity
Since 2016, Odonata has catalysed over $63million that has protected over 49,000ha of habitat, engaged with 7 First Nations groups, worked with hundreds of businesses, farms, entrepreneurs and citizen scientists.
Banner image, Eastern Quoll at Mt Rothwell. Photo by HW DF
Odonata has managed programs for multiple threatened species. We have been instrumental in changing the extinction trajectory of both the Eastern Quoll and the Southern Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby, there are only 170 of these wallabies left in existence. Our work has down-listed the Eastern Barred Bandicoot from extinct in the wild to endangered, and also established Australia’s leading Bush Stone-curlew breeding program.
Odonata has created a wealth of successful sanctuaries and nature based businesses.
In 2022, we delivered the Victorian phase of the Great Australian Wildlife Search, one of the world's largest citizen science projects, which used the latest eDNA technology to map the distribution of wildlife across the state.
The Problem
Our species need help right now. The challenges facing our wildlife are both immediate and long standing, multifaceted and complex. Many species are dying out now - with some of the worst extinction rates in the world.
Our solutions are designed to halt and reverse extinction rates for key mammals, while building a better landscape where they can thrive in the future. Sustainable finance and innovation are also a big part of how we find new solutions. Courageous and bold business leaders, landholders, philanthropists and investors are key to our mobilisation and are invited to join this exciting journey. Next generation technology and digital evolution is supporting us to work with every Australian and other organisations in ways that haven’t be possible before.
Our goal is to establish Odonata’s sanctuary network and supporting intiatives, scaling to 30 Sanctuaries, halting the extinction of 30 threatened species by the year 2030.
View towards the Melbourne CBD from Mt Rothwell. Photo by Majell Backhausen