G’day, I’m Barry the Battler or Baz for short.
I was just on The Project TV but I didn't make the
Marsupial of the Year shortlist - don't worry, I'm used to it.
When I get a little anxious or sense danger, I play dead or
drop my fur and get naked. This doesn’t go down too well
in public, so I keep a low profile these days.
The gestational period for my kind is only 11 days!
Watching me fight is a spectacle. I hop side-to-side in a
semi-circle until one of us gets pushed over... word on the
street is that Raygun took inspiration from me.
Help a brother out
I know I’m no koala or quokka but I need a helping hand,
and every Aussie loves an underdog. If you’d like to chip in a
dime to help save me, please donate to Odonata Foundation.